About us
Established in 2004, Learn for Life EMPOWERMENT PROJECT is an international confederation of non-profit organizations and social enterprises that work together for the uplift of disadvantaged people, through welfare projects on education, livelihood, women empowerment and healthcare and creation of fair working conditions for everyone.

This is made possible thanks to the contributions of a strong network of volunteers and supporters who choose to believe in us.
Learn for Life, Hilfe für Kinder Indiens is an Austrian non-profit charitable society founded in 2007 and its main activities are related to fundraising and promotion for projects in India. In fact, the society organises events in order to raise awareness about poverty, gender discriminations and other important social issues in Austria. They carry on a great work in raising funds to sustain different projects in India. Moreover, the Austrian team plays an important role in the recruitment and training of volunteers for the implementation of several projects in the subcontinent. Moreover, the society boasts good connections with government institutions.

Learn for Life Deustchland E.V. is a non-profit charitable society active since 2005 with its head-quarter in Berlin, Germany. Among its various projects, the society is involved in activities of fundraising, raise of awareness and volunteers’ recruitment and training for the support of various projects in India. The society organises regular workshops in German schools for sensitization toward important social issues like poverty and different forms of discriminations faced by marginalised communities in India. It proactively collaborates with several German Trusts for the implementation of different projects in India.